Seriesly Berlin

seriesly berlin


European premiere | Young-adult drama | English-language OV

Like most teenagers today, Penelope is caught up in the modern world’s technology, pacing and pressure. But something is missing, and things feel off, she just can’t quite put it into words. On the surface, her life seems pretty great, while inside, there’s a fierceness that’s been brewing, a calling towards a new way of being. After a chance encounter with a wolf and a rabbit on a school camping trip, the call becomes too loud for Penelope to ignore. When no one is looking, she runs away. Without a plan, Penelope navigates her way through a series of encounters, traveling a long distance and eventually sneaking into a National Forest. But this is only the beginning of what will become a long journey through the unknown wilderness and Penelope’s quest to find her place in it. World premiere at Sundance 2024

Country and year of production: USA 2024 

Series duration: 8 x 30’

Streamer: Netflix US

TicketsHackesche Höfe Kinos - Tickets hier kaufen!Sign up for conference ticket holders
DAY 2 | 17.09.24 19:00 - 20:30 (3 x 30 min.)
Hackesche Höfe Kino



Mel Eslyn
Mel Eslyn, Mark Duplass
Meghan Mowery
Duplass Brothers Productions


Megan Stott
Austin Abrams

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